palaeo-, palae-, paleo-, pale-

(Greek: original, ancient, primitive, old)

paleoanthropology (s) (noun) (no plural)
A branch of the study of humans that is concerned with the investigation of fossil remains in order to trace the development of certain physical characteristics prior to homo sapiens.
paleobiography, palaeobiography (s) (noun); paleobiographies, palaeobiographies (pl)
The written descriptions of the distribution of fossil plants and/or animals.
paleobiologist, palaeobiologist (s) (noun); paleobiologists, palaeobiologists (pl)
Someone who studies or is a specialist in the science of extinct plants, animals, and micro-organisms.
paleobiology (s) (noun), paleobiologies (pl)
The study of the life forms of extinct plants, animals, and micro-organisms: Paleobiology focuses on interpreting and reconstructing the life activities of fossil organisms.
paleobotony (s) (noun), paleobotonies (pl)
The study of plants and their relationships with other organisms and to one another in the geological past.
A geologist who studies climates of the earth's geologic past.
Ecology that deals with fossil organisms.
A reference to paleoethnology.
That branch of ethnology that studies the most primitive races of mankind.
paleogeography, palaeogeography (s) (noun) (no pl)
The study of the geographic features of the world in the past: Paleogeography is the physical, and occasionally cultural and political geography of ancient times, or of a particular past geological epoch.
paleogeotherm (s) (noun), paleogeotherms (pl)
A pattern of temperature variation that existed in the Earth's crust at some time in the past: When studying geography, Jim leaned about paleogeotherm as being a sequence of temperature changes that were present in the top layer of the planet in earlier times.