mono-, mon-

(Greek: one, alone, single; a number used as a prefix)

monosyllable (adjective), monosyllables (pl)
A meaningful expression using one language or linguistic unit which is larger than a phoneme: Many words are monosyllables, such as "good", "yes", and "no".
monotheism (s) (noun), monotheisms (pl)
The belief that there is only one God: "This belief of monotheism is found; for example, in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam."
monotheist (s) (noun), monotheists (pl)
Someone who believes that there is only one God and no other gods.
monotheistic (adjective)
A reference to the belief that there is only one God; the opposite of polytheism.
monothermal, monothermic
Descriptive terms for the evenness of body temperature throughout the day.
1. Evenness of bodily temperature.
2. Absence of an evening rise in body temperature.
monotocous (adjective) (not comparable)
1. In botany, concerning a plant that produces fruit only once in a lifetime: A monotonous plant may be an annual, biennial, or perennial one.
2. In zoology, regarding an animal having only one offspring at birth; uniparous: Usually humans are monotonous, but some birds are also monotonous in that they lay only one egg before incubating.
1. A sound, especially a speech sound, that does not rise and fall in pitch, but stays on the same tone all the time.
2. Utterance of successive syllables or words without change of pitch or key.
3. A sequence of sounds; such as, a piece of speech, singing, or music, that stays at exactly the same pitch throughout the recitation.
Lack of variation of vocal tone.
Going on in the same tone without variation.
1. Sameness of tone or pitch; lack of variety in cadence or inflection; a monotonous sound.
2. Lack of variety or interest; tedious repetition or routine; the quality of being dull, unvarying, lifeless, etc.
Having only one triglyph (architectural term for three vertically channeled tablets) in the space over an intercolumniation (the spacing between columns in a colonnade).
1. Subsisting on or consuming just one kind of food a reference especially to herbivores.
2. Monotrophic insects respond to specific chemical stimuli in the selection of food.