mater-, matri-, matro- matr- +

(Latin: mother, mama, mom; mum [British])

alma mater, Alma Mater
1. Literally, bounteous mother, a title given by the Romans to several goddesses associated with abundance.
2. "Nourishing mother" or "foster mother".
3. The school, college, or university that someone formerly attended.
4. A song used as the anthem of a school, college, or university.

The Romans used this term to refer to various goddesses, such as Ceres, goddess of growing vegetation [especially, cereal] to Cybele, a nature goddess; and to other bounteous goddesses.

The symbolism is that the old school, university, or college is the bounteous fostering mother of all of its graduates.

dura mater (s) (noun), dura maters (pl)
1. The tough outermost membrane of the three meninges or layers of connective body tissues that surround and protect the brain and the spinal cord: The dura mater is the strong and fibrous outer covering; while inside the skull, it comprises an outer and an inner layer and provides support for the substances of the brain.

While the dura mater is lining the inside of the skull, it is supporting the cranial sinuses or channels, and allows blood to be carried from the brain to the heart.

Folds of the dura mater partly separate the cerebral hemispheres from each other and the cerebrum (the largest and most developed part of the brain and the area where most conscious and intelligent activities occur) from the cerebellum (region of the brain that maintains posture and balance and the coordination of movements).

2. Etymology: from Latin dura mater; literally, "hard mother" and dura mater cerebri; "hard mother of the brain".
1. Used in the UK for mother.
2. The Latin word mater is the source of English madrigal, material, maternal, matriculate, matrimony, matrix, matron, and matter.

Its ultimate Indo-European ancestor also produced English metropolis and mother.

materfamilias (s) (noun), matresfamilias (pl)
1. A woman described in her role as head of a household, tribe, or as the mother of her children: As materfamilias, Mary was able to influence the decisions of the entire family.

According to tribal custom, the materfamilias gave the final decision whether to move the camp or not.

Shirley was a wonderful materfamilias of the family and all the children loved her.

As materfamilias, Margaret strived to provide her children with a healthy life and a moral upbringing.
2. Etymology: from Latin for "mother of the household". The term consists of mater, "mother" + familias, which comes from familia, "household"; from famulus, "servant, slave".

maternal aunt
The sister of one's mother.
maternal dystocia (s) (noun), maternal dystocias (pl)
Dystocia (difficult delivery or process of birth) caused by an abnormality or physical problem in the mother: A condition of maternal dystocia was diagnosed because Mary's contractions of the uterus were ineffective, so a C-section had to be performed.
maternal, maternalism, maternalistic
1. Belonging or relating to motherhood, a mother, or mothers in general.
2. Kind, caring, and protective in a motherly way.
3. Relating to or inherited from the mother or the mother's side of a family
In a maternal manner or as a mother.
1. The condition of being a mother.
2. The characteristics and emotions traditionally associated with being a mother such as loving kindness and protectiveness.
3. A ward, floor, or other section of a hospital where mothers and newborn babies are cared for.
matradelphy (s) (noun), matradelphies (pl)
A mother's brother who is the uncle of her children: Jim's matradelphy lived in the same town and visited his sister, who was his mom, quite often.
matrarchic, matriarchical
Of or pertaining to a matriarch or to maternal rule; pertaining to, of the nature of, or based on matriarchy.
matriarch, matriarchic
1. A woman who is recognized as being the head of a family, community, or people.
2. A woman, usually a grandmother, who is highly respected by her family and to whom the family turns for advice and help.
3. A woman who holds a position of dominance,, or respect.
4. A woman having the status corresponding to that of a patriarch, in every sense of the word.

Instant availability without continuous presence is probably the best role a mother can play.

—Lotte Bailyn
1. Used to describe a society in which power and property are held by women and handed down through matrilineal descent.
2. Controlled or dominated by women.
3. Showing strength and assurance as the most respected woman in a group.
4. Relating to a matriarch or to matriarchs in general.
A matriarchal community or system.
That form of social organization in which the mother, and not the father, is the head of the family, and in which descent and relationship are reckoned through mothers and not through fathers.