ancon- +

(Greek > Latin: elbow)

Toward the elbow, or elbows.
anconagra (s) (noun) (no pl)
Acute gout of the elbow: When Albertr got older, he acquired anconagra in bobit joints in his arms which caused him much pain when bending his arms..
1. A reference to the elbow.
2. Also pertaining to the ulna or to the forearm.
3. Relating to, or belonging to the elbow.
ancone, ancones
1. The bent arm, the elbow.
2. Any hook or bend.
3. In architecture, a bracket or console, as one supporting part of a cornice of a building.
anconeal (adjective) (not comparable)
A reference to the elbow: Jack pushed the door open with the pointed anconeal part of his arm.

Susan hurt the anconeal region of her left arm when she fell down on the the icy sidewalk.

1. A muscle of the elbow and forearm.
2. A small muscle on the posterior aspect of the elbow joint.
3. A small triangular muscle at the back of the elbow joint.
Inflammation of the elbow joint, or joints of the elbows.
Originating in the elbow, or elbows.
Resembling, or similar to, the elbow, or elbows.

A related "elbow" family of words: ulno-.