limno-, limn-

(Greek: lake, marshy lake, pool, marsh)

limnophilous (adjective), more limnophilous, most limnophilous
Descriptive of an organism that thrives in a pond or lake: Susan found some limnophilous plants, at the garden center, like the water lilies and water hyacinths, that she could use for the little pond in her mom's garden.
limnophobia (s) (noun) (no plural)
An extreme apprehension of lakes in general: People strongly affected by limnophobia are very alarmed by marshes or wetlands and fear that they may drown, be attacked by something from the swampland, or get sick from the water!
limnoplankton (s) (noun), limnoplankton (pl)
Tiny lifeforms found in fresh water and in marshes: Mary took a sample of lake water with some limnoplankton to study, and she knew that the limnoplankton were in contrast to haliplankton, which could only be found in the ocean.