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zeal, zest, zest
zeal (ZEEL) (noun)
1. Enthusiastic devotion to a cause, ideal, or goal and tireless diligence in its furtherance: Gina was a politician known for her zeal and passion for reform.
2. A strong feeling of interest and enthusiasm that makes someone very eager or determined to do something: Ricky's son started to do his homework with renewed zeal after getting his first 'A' grade.

The local school principal enforced regulations with excessive zeal.

zest (ZEST) (noun)
1. Lively excitement with a feeling of enjoyment and enthusiasm: Melinda had a zest for life because she had a keen interest in everything around her.
2. A lively quality that increases enjoyment, excitement, or energy: Leo's use of humor added zest to his stage performance.
zest (ZEST) (noun)
Thin strips or scrapings of the skin of a citrus fruit used as flavoring in cooking or baking: The recipe said to add one spoonful of orange zest to the cake batter.

Brittany is reading a book about Julia Child who was a fine cook and demonstrated great zeal in her passion for food.

When she talked, she spoke with zest about her recipes which often included zest as a flavoring.