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zephyr (s) (noun), zephyrs (pl)
1. When capitalized, the god of the west wind: Susan read about Zephyr in her book about Greek mythology.
2. A gentle breeze or a slight wind (usually refreshing): The visitor was thankful for the zephyrs causing the thin curtains to bulge out from the open windows into her hotel room.
3. Any of various soft light fabrics, yarns, or garments: Daisy's mother used zephyr material to make a soft and lightweight gingham dress. It was the perfect summer dress for Daisy!
4. Something that is airy, insubstantial, or passing: The beautiful and colourful zephyr, or butterfly, was fluttering around the flowers in Jane's garden.
5. Etymology: from Greek mythology, the Greek god of the west wind.
This entry is located in the following unit: zephyro-, zephyr- (page 1)