You searched for: “words from myths
Units related to: “words from myths
(the Sun god who brings life-giving heat and light to Earth)
(Jupiter, Iuppiter, Juppiter, or Jove, King of the Roman gods; fifth planet from the sun)
(Diana, or Luna, Roman goddess of the Moon, animals, and hunting)
(Mars [Greek: Ares], Roman god of war; fourth planet from the sun)
(messenger of the Roman gods; first planet from the sun)
(Neptune, Roman god of the sea; eighth planet from the sun)
(Pluto, Roman god of wealth, ruled the dark underworld of myth; ninth planet from the sun)
(Saturn, Roman god of the harvest and a planet; sixth planet from the sun)
(Uranus with Seventeen Sattelites; seventh planet from the sun)
(Venus, Roman goddess; Aphrodite, Greek goddess; second planet from the sun)
Word Entries at Get Words: “words from myths
Apollo, god of the Sun, words from myths
The Sun god who brings life-giving heat and light to Earth unit.