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valet, valet, valley, volley, volley
valet (VAL it, VAL ay, va LAY) (noun)
1. A person who parks cars for guests at a hotel, restaurant, etc.: "The valet was already there when the limousine arrived."
2. A man's personal male servant: "The valet cleaned the man's shoes every evening before retiring for the night."
valet (VAL it, VAL ay, va LAY) (verb)
To clean very well: "Her son was willing to valet her car regularly for a fixed wage."
valley (VAL ee) (noun)
1. An area of low land between hills or mountains: "There is a large river running through the valley."
2. A low period, point, or level: "There was a peak and a valley in the usage of gas throughout each month of the last year."
volley (VAHL ee) (verb)
1. To hit a ball while it is in the air and before it touches the ground: "While playing tennis she was finally able to volley the ball over the net."
volley (VAHL ee) (noun)
A large number of bullets, arrows, stones, etc., that are shot or thrown at the same time: "The enemy was attacked by a volley of arrows flying through the air."
2. A lot of comments, questions, etc., that are directed at a person very quickly: "A volley of questions were presented to the head officer by the press."

The valet said he would valet her car right after he had driven down to the valley; however, he left quickly before a volley of questions could delay his departure.

(Greek: ankos: a bend or hollow, an angle; a valley; also a crag)