You searched for: “turning
Units related to: “turning
(Latin: bend, bending; curve, curving; turn, turning)
(Greek: turning, spinning, whirling, bend, circular motion; originally, "circle, curved, ring")
(Greek > Latin: bearer, to bear, carrying; producing, transmission; directing, turning; originally to carry or to bear children)
(Latin: curve, curving; winding; turning; hollow)
(Greek, speira > Latin, spira: coil, coiled; twisted, turning)
(Greek: turning like oxen in plowing; alternate lines in opposite directions; zig-zag procedure)
(Latin: reciprocus, turning back the same way, alternating; turning backward and forward; to give, to do, to feel, or to show in return)
(Greek: bend, curve, turn, a turning; response to stimulus)