You searched for: “tablet computer
tablet, tablet, tablet computer
tablet (TAB let) (noun)
A portable writing pad, typically paper: "Trina used a tablet and pencil to take notes while in class."
tablet (TAB let) (noun)
A small, flat form of compressed medicine, a vitamin, etc.: "Did you take your vitamin C tablet as well as the other tablets this morning, Monroe?"
tablet computer (TAB let kuhm PYOO tuhr) (noun)
In general, a tablet computer, or tablet laptop, is a wireless personal computer that allows a user to take notes using natural handwriting with a stylus or digital pen on a touch screen: "A tablet computer is similar in size and thickness to a yellow paper notepad and is intended to function as the user's primary personal computer as well as a note-taking device."

"Someone has written that a tablet computer, or tablet laptop, is fast and runs many programs at the same time without lagging and freezing."

The doctor wrote directions for the change in medication about a new prescription tablet which stated that the patient should take one tablet of the new medication every three hours; then, he also recorded the information on his tablet computer.