You searched for: “surgery
This entry is located in the following unit: urg-, [erg-], -urgy, -urgia, -urgical, -urgically, -urgist, -urge (page 2)
(Caesarean Surgery or Cesarean Surgery)
Word Entries containing the term: “surgery
ambulatory surgery (s) (noun), ambulatory surgeries (pl)
The medical treatment of an injury or other physical disorder by direct physical actions without the patient being admitted to a hospital: Ambulatory surgery is usually performed in the outpatient section of a medical center or in a physician's office and an overnight stay is not necessary; in other words, he or she can walk out and go home after the doctor's treatment.
ambulatory surgery center (s) (noun), ambulatory surgery centers (pl)
Medical facilities that are designed and equipped to handle surgery, pain management, and specific diagnostic procedures which do not require overnight hospitalization: Patients who are in relatively good health may choose to receive treatments at ambulatory surgery centers instead of having to stay overnight in a room and they will be treated by health professionals just as they would in a conventional surgery department.
bariatric surgery
Surgery on the stomach and/or intestines to help a person with extreme obesity lose weight.

There are two main types of bariatric surgery; adjustable gastric banding and gastric bypass.

In adjustable gastric banding, insertion of a band restricts the size of the opening from the esophagus to the stomach.

  • The size of the opening to the stomach determines the amount of food that can be eaten.
  • The size of the opening can be controlled by the surgeon by inflating or deflating the band through a port that is implanted beneath the skin on the abdomen.
  • The band can be removed at any time.

In contrast to gastric banding, gastric bypass (sometimes referred to as roux-en-Y gastric bypass) is a permanent reduction in the size of the stomach.

  • The proximal portion of the stomach is used to create an egg-sized pouch that is connected to the intestine in a location that bypasses about two feet of normal intestine.
  • The amount of food that can be eaten is limited by the size of the pouch and the size of the opening between the pouch and the intestine.
coronary artery bypass surgery (s) (noun), coronary artery bypass surgeries
An operation to circumvent the narrowed or blocked arteries by grafting on additional blood vessels for the flowing of blood.
This entry is located in the following unit: coron-, coroll- (page 1)
cosmetic surgery (s) (noun), cosmetic surgeries (pl)
Any surgical operation directed at improving appearance, except when required for the prompt repair of accidental injury or the improvement of the functioning of a malformed body part.
esthetic surgery (s) (noun), esthetic surgeries (pl)
A medical procedure that is performed to improve, to preserve, or to restore a person's appearance: Janine's cousin wanted to have esthetic surgery performed to enhance the shape of her nose.
gamma knife surgery
Radiosurgery in which an intracranial target can be destroyed by ionizing beams of radiation that are directed with stereotaxic precision.

A normal surgical incision is not needed. The therapy is used to treat brain tumors and vascular lesions.

This entry is located in the following unit: gamma; Γ, γ + (page 2)
oral surgery
A branch of surgery that treats deformities, injuries, or diseases of the teeth and jaw; as well as, other areas of the face and mouth.

Surgeon doing this work are usually qualified dentists who have done further training in oral and maxillofacial (jaws and face) surgery.

This entry is located in the following unit: ora-, or-, orat-; os- + (page 2)
orthognathic surgery
The surgical correction of deformities or malpositions of the jaw.
Word Entries at Get Words: “surgery
Medical treatment in which a doctor cuts open a person's body for the treatment of disease, injuries, or deformities.

It is the branch of medicine concerned with diseases and conditions which require or are amenable to operative procedures done by a surgeon or surgeons.