You searched for: “spacious
spacious (adjective), more spacious, most spacious
Referring to an uncrowded and roomy area: The condo they saw had many large and spacious rooms, especially the kitchen!
This entry is located in the following units: -acious (page 3) -ous, -ious, -eous (page 20) spac-, spat- (page 1)
spacious, specious
spacious (SPAY shuhs) (adjective)
Having a large area or space for utilization: "Their dining room is spacious enough to accommodate, or to seat, all of the family of five plus up to six guests."
specious (SPEE shuhs) (adjective)
1. Having the ring of truth or plausibility but actually fallacious: "It was obvious that he was making a specious excuse."
2. Appearing to be true but actually false: "She justified her actions with specious reasoning."

The park provided a spacious playground for the children. The mayor presented specious economic reasons as to why it should be closed.

A unit related to: “spacious
(Latin: large, enlargement, spacious; comprehensive; enough, more than enough)