You searched for: “potencies
potency (s) (noun), potencies (pl)
1. The state or quality of copulation in a male: An ailment or disease can cause a lack of potency in a man to have sex.
2. The condition of being powerful or the strength of something: The potency of the garlic cooking in the kitchen was overwhelming!
3. Capacity to be, to become, or to develop; potentiality: The seeds are known for their potency and, when good soil is used to plant them, the flowers should grow wonderfully.
4. A person or thing exerting power, influence, or authroity: There are different kinds of potencies including power of appointment, the authority of a lord, and carte blanche.
This entry is located in the following unit: poten-, pot-, poss-, -potent, -potence, -potency, -potential + (page 5)