You searched for: “part 2
Education: Jobs and Global Trade, Part 2
Research and development in the United States where education, jobs, and global trade exist in a changing world.

This entry is located in the following unit: Education: Index of Topics (page 1)
Education: West Moves East for Engineers, Part 2
Shanghai is now home to Siemens' largest operation outside of Germany.
This entry is located in the following unit: Education: Index of Topics (page 1)
Emerging Areas of Technology, Part 2, Numbers 1-10
Emerging Technology, Part 2, Parts 1-10.
This entry is located in the following unit: Information Technology (IT): Units Listed (page 1)
English Language: Mongolia, Part 2
The English language in Mongolia, Part 2 of 2, where English is seen not only as a way of communicating, but as a way of opening windows on the wider world.

The English language is viewed as the ticket to future economic progress and as an expansion of international understanding.

This entry is located in the following unit: English Language: Global Perspecitves (page 1)
Geographic Information System, GIS, Geography, Part 2
Global Positioning System (GPS), Part 2
Information about Global Positioning System or GPS, Part 2, with more background.
This entry is located in the following unit: Global Positioning System (GPS): Index of Articles (page 1)
Memoir #4: Robert M. Martin; African Safari, 1963; Part 2
African Safari, 1963, Part 2.
This entry is located in the following unit: Memoir Directory: Bob Martin (page 1)
Quotes: Ability, Part 2
Discover it, utilize it: ability quotes.
This entry is located in the following units: -ability (page 8) Quotes: Quotations Units (page 1)
Quotes: Bloopers, Part 2
Slip-ups, goofs, flubs: bloopers quotes.
This entry is located in the following unit: Quotes: Quotations Units (page 1)
Quotes: Bureaucracy, Bureaucrats, Part 2
After all is said and done, more is said than done: bureaucratic quotes.
Quotes: Language, Part 2
The medium of exchange of thoughts and ideas between people: language quotes.
This entry is located in the following unit: Quotes: Quotations Units (page 4)
Quotes: Puns, Part 2
A form of word humor when people fiddle with words and laugh at the resultant loony tunes: pun quotes.
This entry is located in the following unit: Quotes: Quotations Units (page 6)
Quotes: Word, Words, Part 2
The medium of exchange for thoughts and ideas between people: word quotes.
This entry is located in the following unit: Quotes: Quotations Units (page 8)
Robots: As Human Partners, Part 2
Robots, as house cleaners.
This entry is located in the following unit: Robots and Robotics: A Directory or Index (page 1)
Tongue and Human Functions, part 2

A slab of mucous membrane enclosing a complex array of muscles and nerves

The upper surface of the tongue has an array of papillae (puh PIL lee), or tiny projections, some of which contain taste buds. Also, arranged among the taste buds are taste cells, which actually receive the sensations of taste.

On the underside of the tongue is a tiny cord, the frenulum, and if it is too short, it holds back normal movements which is known as being "tongue-tied". People with this problem once went through their lives with garbled speech; however, today, this defect can be corrected with surgery.

The tongue is an organ that gives people a great deal of service but too often it is held in low esteem. Normally, people pay less attention to the tongue than they do to their hair or fingernails which are not nearly as important to their well-being.

Despite such neglect, the tongue usually continues to tirelessly function as it tastes and talks throughout our lives.

—Compiled from excerpts located in
Your Body & How It Works by J.D. Ratcliff; Reader's Digest Press and Delacorte Press;
Pleasantville, NY; 1975; pages 60-66.
This entry is located in the following units: funct-, fungi- (page 4) Tongue: How it Works (page 1)
More possibly related word entries
Units related to: “part 2
(an etymological approach to learning more about English words; especially, those from Latin and Greek origins)
(reconstruction of blood vessels damaged by disease or injury usually performed by inflating a balloon inside the blood vessel lumen (tube) in order to reconstitute the flow of blood)
(Part 2 of 4: "The Ballad of Salvation Bill" by Robert Service was based on experiences he had with a compulsive smoker who just had to smoke because smoking was so important in his life)
(Part 2 of 4: fear and hatred of tobacco smoke and the efforts to restrict smoking in public places)
(Industrial applications of cryogenics)
(research and development, the United States in a changing world)
(emerging areas of technology that still might have a profound impact on how we conduct our lives)
(Microfluidic Optical Fibers)
(the English language is viewed as a ticket to the future in Mongolia and other countries)
(a technology that manages, analyzes, and provides geographic information)
(Finding the Right Web Hosting Provider Can Make or Break Your Website Presentations)
(Latin: on the border (of hell); form of limbus, border, edge)
(Ludicrous-English Caused by Blunders and Incompetence)
(African Safari, Tanzania, et al.; December, 1963)
(more examples of mosquitoes skin diving)
(Discover it, utilize it!)
(slip-ups, goofs, flubs, and other blunders in many areas of communication; examples of language incompetence)
(an agency where after all is said and done, more is said than done.)
(medium of exchange of thoughts and ideas between people; the storehouse of accumulated knowledge through the centuries)
(a form of word humor when people fiddle with words and laugh at the resultant loony tunes; considered by some to be the lowest form of humus, earthy wit, that we all dig and often respond to with groans and moans)
(presentations of living conceptions; the medium of exchange for thoughts and ideas between people)
(robots performing mundane household tasks)
(international students in scientific areas of study need to possess a solid grasp of English to succeed as scientists or even to lay claim to being scientifically literate citizens of the world)
(Greek: diseases communicated from one kind of animal to another or to human beings; usually restricted to diseases transmitted naturally to man from animals)
(Latin: harena, "sand" or "arena" in English, became the general term for "shows" and now it refers more to "sports", etc.)
(A Blog is Another Way to Express Our Selves When Writing on the Internet)
(the sidereal and the synodical month)
(History of the Chemical Elements Table)
(the mandragora, or mandrake, plant was used as an anesthesia)
(other writers join the bandwagon in revealing fake entries in book)
(single marriages and multiple marriages)
(scribe tools and symbols of one of the most important occupations of ancient Egyptian times)
("A Look at Publishing", remarks made by Godfrey Harris)
(More history and updates to the "sandwich")
(more about the study of flags and their significance)
Word Entries containing the term: “part 2
Book: Authenticity Challenged, Part 2 of 2
Other writers join in asking if A Million Little Pieces is nonfiction that is full of nonfact.
This entry is located in the following unit: Books and Books: Index of Articles (page 1)
Esthesia: History of Anesthesia, Part 2 of 3

Anesthesia, Part 2 of 3.

This entry is located in the following unit: Esthesia: Index of Esthesia-Related Units (page 1)
Frey, James; Part 2 of 2
Memoir Authenticity is Challenged.
This entry is located in the following unit: Memoirs and Profiles Directory (page 1)
Polygamy, Part 2 of 3
Get Polygamy, Part 2, for more information.
This entry is located in the following units: poly- (page 8) Polygamy Sections (page 1)
Word Entries at Get Words: “part 2
Index of Information from Past Publications Revealed in the Present, Part 2
Information from the Past and into the Present, Part 2; Excerpts of humorous and more serious topics from the Reader's Digest March, 1932.
Science and Technology from 1800 to 1899, Part 2
A presentation of words about Science and Technology from the past.
This entry is located in the following unit: Index of Scientific and Technological Topics (page 2)
Units at Get Words related to: “part 2
(Dr. Rocke Robertson collected more than 600 dictionaries and many other books; a true dictionary bibliophile)
(a few words from the Reader's Digest, March, 1932)
(terms appearing in some "scientific" areas from about 1800 A.D. to 1899 A.D.)
(New diseases are always coming into existence, most change with time, and some even vanish from known existence!)
(the historical progress of English dictionaries)
(Modern Medical Technology reveals more about King Tut, Part 2 of 2)
(The name given to the plague that ravaged Europe between 1347 and 1351.)