You searched for: “official
official, official, officious
official (oh FISH uhl, uh FiSH uhl) (noun)
An individual who administers the rules for a game: The official at the tennis tournament was a retired tennis pro.
official (oh FISH uhl, uh FiSH uhl) (adjective)
Authoritative or authorized: The document had the official seal from the president's office.
officious (oh FISH uhs, uh FISH uhs) (adjective)
Meddlesome or intrusive concerning an activity where one's help is neither asked for nor wanted: Lenora had a very officious manner, always trying to interfere with other people's projects in the office.

Sometimes the local official at the railway station can be very officious by demanding to see Marissa's ticket, then demanding that she check her luggage in, etc.