You searched for: “neo paganism
neopaganism, neo-paganism (noun) (no plural)
Identified as a 20th-century revival of interest in the worship of nature, fertility, etc.; as represented by various deities: Neopaganism is said to combine the worship of nature deities of the earth, with benign witchcraft.

Adherents of neopaganism often have deep ecological concerns and an attachment to nature; so, many worship an earth-mother goddess and center their rituals on the change of the seasons.

Neopaganism is considered to be a combination of historical inspiration and present-day creativity.

Those who are part of neopaganism rely on pre-Christian and folkloric sources and so many of them follow a spirituality, which they consider to be entirely modern, while others attempt to reconstruct or to revive religions from historical sources as accurately as possible.

This entry is located in the following units: ne-, neo- (page 5) pago-, pag-, pagan- (page 1)