You searched for: “mysterious
This entry is located in the following units: myster-, myst- (page 1) -ous, -ious, -eous (page 14)
mysterious, mythical, mystical
mysterious (mi STIR e uhs) (adjective)
Descriptive of something which elicits wonder and curiosity, but baffles attempts to understand: The scientists were trying to understand the mysterious green light in the sky.
mythical (MITH i kuhl) (adjective)
Pertaining to something which is legendary or that. occurs only in the imagination: Ancient stories are filled with mythical characters and creatures.
mystical (MIS ti kuhl) (adjective)
Characterized as having spiritual meaning that is neither obvious to the senses nor to the intellect: All of the people felt that there was a mystical presence in the cathedral.

It is a very mysterious experience to see a mythical story adapted for a stage presentation. The audience may understand the superficial aspects of the drama, but not necessarily the mystical renditions of the narrations.