You searched for: “merging
merge, merges; merged; merging (verbs)
1. To combine or to cause to combine or to unite with something to form a single entity, or to make two or more things do this: "There have been rumors of the three companies merging."
2. To blend or to cause to blend something gradually into something else in order to become indistinguishable from it.
This entry is located in the following unit: merg-, mers- (page 2)
merging (s), mergings (pl) (nouns)
1. The act of joining together as one: "The merging of the two rivers was really something worth seeing."
2. The combining of two groups or things: "The mergings of the companies had to be done for their survival because of the poor economy."
This entry is located in the following unit: merg-, mers- (page 2)
A unit related to: “merging
(Latin > Medieval Latin > French: growing together, merging, combining, uniting)