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1. The 11th letter of the Greek alphabet (Λ, λ), represented in the English alphabet as "L, l".
2. The point of junction at the center of the back of the cranium (skull) between the rear plate of the cranium occipital bone and the two upper plates parietal bones.

This junction is said to resemble the Greek capital letter lambda.
3. The craniometric point at the junction of the sagittal and lamboid sutures of the skull.
4. The point at the site of the posterior fontanel where the lambdoid and sagittal sutures meet; used as a craniometric landmark.

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(Greek: the eleventh letter of the Greek alphabet; Λ, λ)
Word Entries containing the term: “lambda
lambda calculus
A mathematical formalization of the rules of substitution; used for modeling the process of substituting values for bound variables.
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lambda chain, lambda chains
1. A type of light polypeptide chain found in immunoglobulin molecules.
2. One of the two forms of smaller polypeptide chains (known as light chains) that occur in immunoglobulins.
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lambda circuit
An individual wavelength of light for transmitting data on a strand of fiber-optic cable.

Using separate lasers, each tuned to a slightly different frequency, multiple lambdas can be projected down a single fiber strand to carry multiple streams of data.

DWDM (dense wavelength division multiplexing) is the technology for projecting multiple lambda circuits on fiber strands. Currently, 200 lambdas per fiber is common, but thousands are possible.

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lambda dispatch
The solution of the problem of finding the most economical use of generators to supply a given quantity of electric power, using the method of Lagrange multipliers, which are symbolized λ.
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lambda hyperon, lambda particle
1. A quasi-stable baryon, forming an isotopic singlet, having zero charge and hypercharge.
2. Any baryon resonance having zero hypercharge and total isotopic spin.
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lambda phage
A temperate bacterial virus that infects Escherichia coli and is able to integrate into the host DNA or to initiate a lytic cycle, copying its own genetic information, lysing the host cell, and releasing new viruses.

Used as a model vector in gene cloning.

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lambda point
1. The transition temperature, approximately 2.19 K. below which helium I changes into helium II.
2. The temperature at which the specific heat of a substance has a sharp peak.

This is observed in many second-order transitions.

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lambda sulfur
One of the two components of plastic (or gamma) sulfur; soluble in carbon disulfide.
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lambda wave
A low-voltage occipital wave recorded by electroencephalography during visual activity.
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