You searched for: “knee
Units related to: “knee
(Latin: knee)
(from Late Latin, 1526, genuflectionem (genuflexio), from stem of genuflectere "genuflect", from Latin genu, "knee" + flectere< "to bend")
(Greek: knee)
(Greek: the part of the leg between the knee and the ankle)
(tearing or injuring the meniscus of the knee and possible therapy)
Word Entries containing the term: “knee
knee joint (s) (noun), knee joints (pl)
The point at which two bones meet between the femur (thigh bone) and the tibia (shin): The knee joint is a modified hinge or junction that is capable of slight rotation in a bent position.

Each of these wedge-shaped crescents of knee joints have shock absorbers that resist impacts when running, jumping, etc.

Violent rotational movements of the thighs or legs while the knee joints are flexed; as in, football, soccer, skiing, or other sports, can severely damage the menisci or cartilage disks when they are squeezed between the bones of the knee joints.

This entry is located in the following unit: menisc-, menisco- (page 1)
lateral meniscus of the knee (s) (noun), lateral menisci of the knees (pl)
Thickened crescent-shaped cartilage pads in the outer portions of the joints formed by the femurs (thigh bones) and the tibias (shin bones): Each lateral meniscus of the knee acts as a smooth surface for its coupling to move properly.

The lateral menisci of the knees are toward the outer sides of the knee couplings and they serve to evenly load the surfaces during the body's weight-bearing, and also aid in providing fluids for the lubrications of the contacting points.

This entry is located in the following unit: menisc-, menisco- (page 1)
medial meniscus of the knee (s) (noun), medial menisci of the knees (pl)
Compact, semicircular shaped cartilage (tough elastic tissue) cushions in the inner portions of the junctions formed by the thigh bones and the shin bones: The medial menisci of the knees are located in the inner sides of the knee connecters.

The medial menisci of the knees provide outer curves for conjoining links to move on, serve to evenly load the structures during walking, and aid in disbursing fluids to the joints for lubrication of those skeletal parts.

This entry is located in the following unit: menisc-, menisco- (page 1)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term: “knee
knee-jerk (adjective), more knee-jerk, most knee-jerk
Reacting automatically and without thought: The politician made a knee-jerk reaction by using a vulgar term when a reporter asked him the same question again.

The term, knee-jerk, often has a negative connotation; such as, being too-hasty, to impulsive, and perhaps even being an irrational or unacceptable response.

This entry is located in the following unit: English Words in Action, Group K (page 1)