You searched for: “insensibility
insensibility (s) (noun), insensibilities (pl)
1. The lack of physical sensations or consciousness: Cara fell to the ground, hit her head, and consequently was lying in a state of insensibility.
2. Unawareness of or unresponsiveness to something: Trevor experienced amnesia and a state of insensibility to the voices of his wife and daughter.
This entry is located in the following units: -ibility (page 4) -ity (page 11) senso-, sens-, sensi-, sensori-, sent- (page 3)
A unit related to: “insensibility
(Greek: to smoke; smoke, mist, vapor, hot vapor, steam, cloud, fog; stupor [insensibility, numbness, dullness]; used exclusively in medicine as a reference to fever accompanied by stupor or a clouding of the mind resulting from the fever caused by a severe-infectious disease)