You searched for: “innocents
innocence, innocents
innocence (IN uh suhns) (noun)
1. Unsophisticated, lacking in worldly awareness: Mildred's visiting cousin from abroad demonstrated a delightful innocence when Tamika showed her the highlights of the city.
2. Not guilty of a crime or offense: The judge determined the innocence of the man on trial and released him.
innocents (IN uh suhnts) (noun)
1. Individuals who are not guilty of an offense or crime: The three men who had been charged were in fact wrongly accused innocents.
2. People who are lacking in the knowledge of evil: Children are often described as innocents, being quite trusting, naive, and natural.

Roger's favorite author is exceptional in describing his characters as charming innocents, displaying an innocence about their surroundings which was refreshing to see.