You searched for: “infuscated
infuscate (IN fush kate") (verb), infuscates; infuscated; infuscating
1. To darken, to make black, or to obscure: When Jake looked out of his window, he noticed that the mountains were infuscated with fog.

Tom used black dye to infuscate his shirt completely so all of the spots which were seen before were no longer visible.

2. Etymology: from Latin infuscare, "to darken, to discolor".
This entry is located in the following units: -cate (page 4) fusc- (page 1)
infuscated (adjective), more infuscated, most infuscated
Pertaining to being darkened or tinged with a dark color: The wings of some insects are infuscated with brown patterns.
This entry is located in the following unit: fusc- (page 1)