You searched for: “imbrication
imbrication (im" bruh KAY shuhn) (s) (noun), imbrications (pl)
1. A decoration or pattern showing an extension of tiles or oblong sections of material over others: There are ornamental imbrications on some pinnacles or towers.
2. A stacking pattern of sediment particles: One kind of imbrication is the result of strong, sustained water currents.

The imbrication of pebbles indicates a long existence of water-currents flowing in a direction.

Quite often, imbrication goes unnoticed, but it's always worth looking for when studying sandstones.

Imbrication is also called shingling, as the particles line up overlapping like shingles.

An imbrication of stones.
This entry is located in the following unit: imbric-, imbrica- (page 1)
Word Entries containing the term: “imbrication
eyelid imbrication (s) (noun), eyelid imbrications (pl)
An abnormality of positions of the eyelids in which the upper parts go over the lower parts when they are closed: The eyelid imbrications often cause a condition that leads to chronic irritation and inflammation of the eyes.
A child with eyelid imbrication.
This entry is located in the following unit: imbric-, imbrica- (page 1)