You searched for: “height
height, heist, hoist
height (HIGHT) (noun)
1. A reference to a vertical measure representing the distance from the bottom to the top: The height of the mountains was deceptive and the hiker was exhausted before reaching the summit.
2. To be at the top of something, tangible or otherwise: The actor was at the height of her stage career when she made her first film.
heist (HIGHST) (noun)
Something that has been taken unlawfully and often accompanied by violence: The bank heist made spectacular headlines in the local newspaper.
hoist (HOIST) (verb)
To lift something by using a tackle: Harold will hoist the flag at daybreak.

The heavy machine operators decided to hoist their tools to a great height on the crane to prevent a heist of the equipment over the weekend.

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A unit related to: “height
(Greek: high, highest, height; on high)
Word Entries containing the term: “height
geodetic height (s) (noun), geodetic heights (pl)
A geometric surface or a solid figure shaped like an oval: A geodetic height refers to any section through an ellipsoid which is either an ellipse (a two-dimensional shape like a stretched circle with slightly longer flatter sides) or a circle.

This entry is located in the following unit: geo-, ge- + (page 8)