You searched for: “gender
gender (s) (noun), genders (pl)
The physical condition that indicates whether a person is a female (woman or girl) or is masculine (man or boy): One use of the term gender is that it presents a grammatical category which is used to classify nouns, pronouns, adjectives; and, in some languages, verbs that may be arbitrary or based on sexual or bodily characteristics which determine an agreement with modifiers, references, or various grammatical forms.

The gender of a word indicates whether it is masculine (male), feminine (female), or neuter (neither feminine nor masculine); for example: when the man (masculine) was hit by the ball, it (neuter) knocked him (masculine) down and his wife (feminine) helped him (masculine) get back on his (masculine) feet (neuter).

People and animals consist of female genders and male genders while things, objects, etc. are classified as neuter genders."

"These days, the use of the term gender is seen more often instead of using the word sex; such as, when identifying whether a person or an animal is a male or a female."

"When filling out forms, a person is usually asked for his or her age, income, and gender; so, now it seems that gender is being used to indicate a person's sex and sex is being used to indicate sexual activities."

(Latin: male, manly, of or relating to men or boys; of the male sex and gender; bold, courageous)
(something that comes in two basic gender formats, but in billions of shapes and forms)