You searched for: “fungi
caulicola (s) (noun), caulicolas (pl): fungi
Parasitic fungi that live on stems.
This entry is located in the following unit: -cola, -colas; -cole; -colent; -colid; -coline; -colous (page 5)
fungi (pl)
Any of a group of plants including mushrooms, molds, mildews, etc.

Fungi: over 100,000 species of organisms that are similar to plants but do not contain chlorophyll and which include mildews, molds, mushrooms, rusts, smuts, and yeasts.

This entry is located in the following unit: fungi-, fung- + (page 1)
fungicole (verb), fungicoles; fungicoled; fungicoling: fungi
Living in or on fungi.
This entry is located in the following units: -cola, -colas; -cole; -colent; -colid; -coline; -colous (page 9) fungi-, fung- + (page 1)
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A unit related to: “fungi
(Latin: to perform, to execute, to discharge; performance, service, execution)
(Latin: mold, mushroom; any of a group of plants including mushrooms, molds, mildews, etc.)
Word Entries containing the term: “fungi
fungistasis (s) (noun), fungi stases (pl)
Inhibition of fungal growth: The fungistasis in the garden soil at Mrs. Black's house was removed by the process of sterilization by gamma radiation!
mycorhiza (s), mycorhizae (pl); mycorrhiza, mycorrhizae; root-fungi association
A symbiotic association between the hyphae (microscopic threadlike filaments in fungi that are filled with a layer of protoplasm) of certain fungi and the absorptive organs, typically the roots, of plants.
necrotrophic fungi
Fungi that derive their nutrients from dead organic matter.
This entry is located in the following units: fungi-, fung- + (page 2) necro-, necr-, necron-, -necrosis, nekro- + (page 7)