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This entry is located in the following unit: fort-, forc- (page 2)
fort, forte
fort (FORT) (noun)
A securely protected place for military defense: The fort was captured after a long battle.
forte (FOR tay") (noun)
1. A note or passage of music played or sung in a loud, forceful manner: The notation on the score, "f", meaning forte, suggested that the musician should perform the piece in a full and powerful way.
2. Something that a person is particularly good at: She said that cooking was not really her forte.

Bret studied military history and his forte was in analysing the foundations of the old fort in the city.

forté (FOR tay) (adjective), fortissimo, fortississimo
1. In a loud, forceful manner: This forté is used primarily as a musical instruction to play a certain part with greater intensity, loudness, or volume.

"The musical passage was marked to be performed loudly or in forté.

2. Etymology: from Italian, literally "strong, loud"; from Latin fortis, "strong".
This entry is located in the following unit: fort-, forc- (page 3)
(Latin: brave; power, strength, strong)