You searched for: “form
This entry is located in the following unit: form-, -form, forma-, format- (page 7)
form, form
form (FORM) (noun)
A document with blank spaces for filling in information: Some people hate to fill out a form or they have a fear of doing so, on and off the internet.
form (FORM) (noun)
1. The shape of something: The building's massive form was more than most people expected.
2. A bodily shape: Some people strive to develop a form of the body which has appeal for another person or other people; such as, a shapely form has a special appeal for modeling, acting in movies, on TV, etc.
form (FORM) (verb)
To get, to create, or to develop something over a period of time: Ryan and Marissa wanted to form a friendship that would last for a lifetime.

The statistical researcher's job was to give form to the ideas of the committee and so Tami was going to create a form to send to the group's colleagues.

More possibly related word entries
Units related to: “form
(Greek: image, figure, form, shape; literally, "that which is seen")
(Latin: face, pertaining to the face; countenance; form, make, set in place, do)
(Latin: form, shape, figure; to make, to shape, to form)
(Greek: idea, form, appearance; class, species, model; general principle)
(Greek: a suffix; like, resembling, similar to, form)
(Greek > Latin: suffix; from French -aque, or directly from Latin -acus, from Greek -akos forming adjectives. This suffix was used to form names of arts and sciences in Greek and it is now generally used to form new names of sciences in English; meanings, "related to, of the nature of, pertaining to, referring to")
(Greek: ray [as of light] or like a ray in form; radiance, radiation; a radiating or tentacled structure)
(Greek: different, other, another; divergence; a combining form denoting a condition differing from the normal or a reversal, or referring to "another")
(Latin: ring, an iron ring for the feet; circle; (so called because of its form); usually the posterior opening of the alimentary canal through which undigested food is voided; the anus)
(Latin: to look, to observe in order to make a prediction; to see omens; from auspex [genitive form auspicis] avi-, stem of avis, "bird" plus -spex, "observer", from specere)
(Greek: weight, heavy; atmospheric pressure; a combining form meaning "pressure", as in barotaxis, or sometimes "weight", as in baromacrometer)
(Greek: fetus; infant; a combining form denoting relationship to the embryo, fetus, or newborn infant)
(Modern Latin: chemical element; a form of America; radioactive metal)
(Modern Latin: chemical element; Holmia, the Latinized form of Stockholm; rare earth)
(Greek: funnel; a combining form denoting a relationship to a funnel or to a funnel-like structure)
(Greek: key; a means of locking or a thing that locks [or unlocks] a door; a key, bar, or hook; a combining form that denotes the clavicle or collarbone)
(Just two of many lexicons that need to clarify all of the word contents for a better understanding instead of using another form of one of the words that is being defined to explain the other entries or simply not providing any information about the other words besides the primary entry.)
(Latin: first principle, rudiment, primitive form)
(Latin: fiber [an elongated, threadlike structure]; a combining form denoting a relationship to fibers)
(Latin: shape, structure, figure, outer appearance, composition, to compose; visual appearance; spacial arrangement; to develop or to acquire; to produce)
(Latin: ant, ants)
(Greek: carve, carving, engraving; to hollow out; by extension, a form of writing)
(from the depths of the ocean floors to the highest mountains, from dry deserts to grasslands, and the warm and wet tropical areas; all provide each form of life its preferred habitat)
(Latin: suffix form of -an from -ianus, a modifier of the main word to which it is attached: belonging to, coming from, being involved in, or being like something)
(Greek: image, likeness; form of a person or object; a sacred, holy, or religious representaion)
(Greek: a suffix that forms nouns and is usually used to form names of arts and sciences)
(Latin: a suffix used to form names of zoological groups, classes, and orders)
(Greek: a suffix used to form the names of families in zoology and biology; descended from, related to)
(Greek > Latin: a suffix that is used to form hundreds of words that mean: similar to, resembling, like, characterized by, or of the nature of)
(Latin: suffix used to form abstract nouns expressing act, state, quality, property, or condition corresponding to an adjective)
(Latin: insect in its grub stage; from Latin larva, "mask" and by extension, "ghost", the idea being that an insect in its grub stage is merely a ghost of its future self and bears no resemblance to its future form)
(Greek > Latin: spleen; a combining form denoting relationship to the spleen)
(Latin: on the border (of hell); form of limbus, border, edge)
(Latin: on the border (of hell); form of limbus, border, edge)
(Latin: medium is the neuter form of the adjective medius, meaning "middle"; as well as, a neuter noun meaning, "the middle")
(simplified connections of word parts which work together to form practical medical terms that can enhance one's understanding of several fields of medicine)
(Latin: from meditatus; a form of meditare, to muse, to ponder; to think over, to consider; to think, to reflect)
(Greek meniskos > Latin meniscus: a crescent-shaped body, a curved structure, lunar crescent form, semilunar cartilage; diminutive of mene, "moon")
(Greek: after, behind, beyond; changed in form, altered; higher [used to designate a higher degree of a branch of science])
(a combining form meaning methyl)
(Greek: a combining form occurring in the names of chemical compounds in which the methyl group is present; alcohol, wine)
(Latin: much, many; combining form of Latin multus "much, many"; which is related to the Greek mala, "very, very much, exceedingly")
(Greek: rain, rainstorm; showers of rain; aqueous vapor in the atmosphere; precipitation or falling down from the sky of a form of water; such as, rain, snow, hail, sleet, or mist)
(Greek: scrotum; a combining form denoting relationship to the scrotum or the pouch of skin which contains the testes, epididymides, and lower portions of the spermatic cords)
(Latin: swing, vibrate, move, motion; from oscillum, a diminutive form of osoris, "mouth, face, small face")
(Greek: in botany, a suffix combining form meaning, "having a certain number or a certain shape of petals")
(Greek: a combining form confused between three Greek roots and may mean "hunger", "dirt", or "drink"; and there is one Latin form referring to the "pine tree")
(Greek: first; foremost, front, earliest form of, original, primitive; chief, principal; usually used as a prefix)
(a form of word humor when people fiddle with words and laugh at the resultant loony tunes: Considered by some to be the lowest form of humus, earthy wit that we all dig and often respond to with groans and moans)
(a form of word humor when people fiddle with words and laugh at the resultant loony tunes; considered by some to be the lowest form of humus, earthy wit, that we all dig and often respond to with groans and moans)
(Greek: sigmoeides, shaped like the letter sigma; pertaining to the sigmoid flexure, the S-shaped bend in the colon; a combining form that usually denotes the sigmoid colon)
(Greek: ball, round, around; globe, global; body of globular form; by extension, circular zone, circular area)
(Latin: to fester, to form matter; forming or discharging pus)
(Greek > Latin: to beat, to strike; a blow; a dent, an impression, a mark, original form; a mold; a figure, an image, a form, a kind)
(Latin: of, relating to, or resembling; compound of the suffixes -ule, "little, small" and -ar, "pertaining to, of the nature of, like"; and so, -ular is a combining form meaning: referring to something "specified": appendicular, molecular, pedicular; as well as, a combining form meaning "resembling" something specified: circular, globular, tubular)
Word Entries containing the term: “form
A plateau is a high form of flattery.
This entry is located in the following unit: paraprosdokian, paraprosdokia (page 1)
ad- appears in this form before a vowel and before the consonants d, h, j, m, and v. It is simplified to a- before sc, sp and st.

Before c, f, g, l, n, p, q, r, s, and t; ad- is changed to ac-, af-, ag-, al-, an-, ap-, aq-, ar-, as-, and at-.

In other words, the d of ad usually changes into the same letter as the first letter of the following root or word when it is a consonant: ad-fix becomes affix, and ad-sign becomes assign; therefore, making a double consonant.

Another example includes: attract as with ad-tract (drawn towards); so it has a double t. On the other hand when ad- precedes a vowel, as with adapt, it is simply ad-apt, with one d. For the same reason, there is only one d in adore and adumbrate, because ad- has combined with orare and umbra each of which starts with a vowel.

So, remember: since these Latin words begin with vowels and not consonants, the d of ad does not double as shown in the previous examples.

This entry is located in the following unit: Latin Proverbs, Mottoes, Phrases, and Words: Group A (page 6)
auroral form (s), auroral forms (pl)
Any of the various shapes of auroral emissions:
  • Arcs, bands of arching light extending across the sky.
  • Rays, beams of light, appearing singularly or in bundles.
  • Draperies, sheets of light spreading across the sky.
  • Crowns, rays which seem to emanate from a common point.
  • Diffuse aurora, scattered cloud-like surfaces.
This entry is located in the following unit: aurora-, -aurora + (page 1)
etherial (adjective) (an outdated or archaic form of ethereal
This entry is located in the following unit: ethero-, ether-, aethero-, aether-, aither- (page 1)
shape and form
This entry is located in the following unit: Pleonasms or Tautological Redundancies (page 20)
(a reverse acronym or a regular word that also doubles as an acronym using the same procedures as with acronyms, except that the letters of a word are presented to form a phrase which defines the word or for humorous reasons)
(Various living organisms are organized from the smallest unit of cells to form tissues which form organs and organs work together to form organ systems)
(words exist in all sizes and degrees of difficulty from numerous languages and English continues to churn out new words from the past and the present)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term: “form
(noun) (s) uncountable noun, used only in the singular form
1. (noun) (s): "uncountable", "uncountable noun", or "mass noun" are all terms that refer to a noun that cannot be used freely with numbers or the indefinite article, and which, therefore, usually take no plural forms.

The English nouns, perseverance, information, are uncountable nouns (or "mass nouns), at least in their primary meanings.

With such terms, it is not proper to say that there is one perseverance, nor that there are many perseverances or many informations.

2. Some dictionaries use the entry for a noun with the label [noncount] when it doesn't have a plural form or when it refers to something that can't be counted.
3. When a word can be used as both a singular noun and a plural noun, certain dictionaries will label it count, noncount.
This entry is located in the following unit: noun (s), nouns (pl) (page 1)
noun (s) uncountable noun, used only in the singular form

Go to this nouns page for information about usages and applications.

This entry is located in the following unit: Parts of Speech for Word Entries (page 1)