You searched for: “flowers
anthocole (verb), anthocoles; anthocoled; anthocoling: flowers
Living within flowers; as some organisms.
flower (s) (noun), flowers (pl)
1. A plant that is cultivated or appreciated for its blossoms.
2. The colored part of a plant from which the plant’s fruit develops and which is often made up of many petals.
3. Blossoms and their stems that have been removed from plants; such as, a bunch or bouquet of flowers: "He gave his wife a big bunch of flowers in celebration of their wedding anniversary."
This entry is located in the following unit: flori-, flor-, flora-, -florous (page 5)
Flowers: Chloris, Flora
Greek: Chloris (goddess)
Latin: Flora (goddess)
This entry is located in the following unit: gods and goddesses from Greek and Latin Myths (page 1)
More possibly related word entries
A unit related to: “flowers
(Greek: flower, flowers; blossom, blossoms; that which buds or sprouts)
(Latin: flower; full of flowers, abounding in flowers; flora, plant life, plants of a general region or period)
(Latin: fertilizing male elements of flowers; fine flour; milldust; spores; powder)
Word Entries containing the term: “flowers
Changing Seasons and Growing Flowers and Fruits: Vertumnus
Greek: (no equivalent)
Latin: Vertumnus (goddess)
This entry is located in the following unit: gods and goddesses from Greek and Latin Myths (page 1)
Word Entries at Get Words: “flowers
flower (s), flowers (pl) (nouns)
Those parts of flowering plants which are the sexual reproductive units that produce and contain the sex cells (gametes) of plants.

Flowers also attract pollinators (birds, insects, etc.) which carry off pollen from the stamen and fertilize other flowers of the same or other plants.

This entry is located in the following unit: Plant Parts or Parts of Plants (page 1)
Flowers, Morning Glories
Flowers known as Morning Glories.
—Photographed by Wolfram Bleul, E-mail: [email protected]

This twining herbaceous climber plant has lobed leaves and funnel-shaped flowers that open only in the morning; and that is why they are called: "Morning Glories".

This entry is located in the following unit: Views of Nature (page 1)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term: “flowers
Flowers and Insects
Insects are getting nourishment from flowers.
—Photographed by Wolfram Bleul, E-mail: [email protected]

This entry is located in the following unit: Views of Nature (page 1)
Insect Gets Nectar from Flowers
Hoverfly gets nectar from flowers.
—Photographed by Wolfram Bleul, E-mail: [email protected]

Here is a hoverfly, also called a flower fly or a syrphid fly; which is part of the insect family Syrphidae and the adults of this group are often seen hovering or nectaring on flowers because they are known to feed primarily on nectar and pollen.

This entry is located in the following unit: Views of Nature (page 1)