You searched for: “finnish
finish, Finnish
finish (FIN ish) (noun)
1. The last part of something: The competition had a very close or tight finish.
2. The final coating on a surface or the appearance produced by such a coating: The final finish on the table made it look like new!
Finnish (FIN ish) (adjective)
Of or relating to Finland, its people, or its language: The Finnish people are said to be very friendly.

Is it possible to have a Scandinavian ending or a Finish finish at the winter sports this year?

Names of months and days in Finland.
This entry is located in the following unit: Calendar, Month and Day Names in Different Languages (page 1)
More possibly related word entries
A unit related to: “finnish
(Month and Day Names)
(Modern Latin: chemical element; named after gadolinite, a mineral named for Johan Gadolin (1760-1852), a Finnish chemist and mineralogist; rare earth)
Word Entries containing the term: “finnish
Finnish (Suomi) days
sunnuntai (Sunday)
maanantai (Monday)
tiistai (Tuesday)
keskiviikko (Wednesday)
torstai (Thursday)
perjantai (Friday)
lauantai (Saturday)

This entry is located in the following unit: Calendar Names of Days and Months in Different Languages (page 4)
Finnish (Suomi) months
tammikuu (January)
helmikuu (February)
maaliskuu (March)
huhikuu (April)
toukokuu (May)
kesäkuu (June)
heinäkuu (July)
elokuu (August)
syyskuu (September)
lokakuu (October)
marraskuu (November)
joulukuu (December)
—Based on information from the
International Dictionary in 21 Languages by H.L. Ouseg;
Philosophical Library; New York; 1962.

This entry is located in the following unit: Calendar Names of Days and Months in Different Languages (page 4)