You searched for: “fatigues
fatigue (s) (noun), fatigues (pl)
1. The condition of being very tired with extreme weariness: Jim and his family were overcome with by fatigue because of the long journey that they had been on.

A fatigue is a common complaint that is usually the result of overwork or a lack of sleep.

For some people, persistent fatigues are caused by depressions or anxieties.

2. The tendency of certain metals to crack or to break after being bent or moved often: The cracks in the engine of Sam's car were caused by metal fatigue.
3. The uniform that soldiers wear when they are doing some physical activities: The soldiers were wearing military fatigues while they were practicing military maneuvers at their military base.
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fatigue (verb), fatigues; fatigued; fatiguing
To make another person, or other people, very tired and exhausted: The long hike up into the mountains fatigued the group of boy scouts and so they had to rest for awhile before going back to their camping area.
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Word Entries containing the term: “fatigues
auditory fatigue (s) (noun), auditory fatigues (pl)
A decreased response to a steady tone or noise: A person perceives a sound as diminishing in loudness during an auditory fatigue.
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emotional fatigue (s) (noun), emotional fatigues (pl)
A reaction to stress that is characterized by nervous exhaustion: Michael often had emotional fatigue because of the pressures that were put on him by his supervisor.
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flying fatigue (s) (noun), flying fatigues (pl)
A neurosis that occurs in pilots: Jet lag is one kind of flying fatigue that a person who operates the flying controls of an aircraft have experienced.
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industrial fatigue (s) (noun), industrial fatigues (pl)
Weariness that is caused by prolonged or excessive labor and which is exacerbated by monotony or by exposure to extreme working conditions; such as, heat or cold: An industrial fatigue may lead to lowered output, mistakes, and accidents by the workers.
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stance fatigue (s) (noun), stance fatigues (pl)
A state of weariness or exhaustion that is produced by prolonged standing: When Janice and Harvey were waiting in a long line to vote, she started to suffer a stance fatigue and had to sit on the side of the walkway before she could continue to the voting booth.
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