You searched for: “failures
failure (s) (noun), failures (pl)
1. A situation or fact that does not result in a desired end: The failure of the experiment was a disappointment to the scientists.
2. A condition or circumstance that is insufficient or which falls short of a desired objective: The crop failure was a major setback for the farmers.
3. A cessation of proper functioning or performance: After the storm, the entire town experienced an electrical power failure.
4. Nonperformance of what is requested or expected; an omission: Failure to report a change of address can result in problems with mail deliveries.
5. The act or fact of not passing an educational course, test, or assignment: Ralph didn't get any credit for his homework assignment because of his failure to follow his teacher's instructions.
6. A decline in strength or effectiveness: Howard was crippled by his fear of failure regarding his project.
7. The act or fact of becoming financially insolvent: Shanna went bankrupt because of her failure to find another job after her company moved to another country.
This entry is located in the following unit: fals-, fall- (page 1)