You searched for: “elf
dwarf, elf, gnome
dwarf (DWORF) (noun)
An individual of unusually small stature whose features are often out of proportion to the rest of the body: "The dwarf was a fine actor and appeared in many films."
elf (ELF) (noun)
A small, lively, often mischievous imaginary creature: "When Lorie was young, she hoped that an elf would come and polish her shoes at night."
gnome (NOHM) (noun)
In folklore, a diminutive and often misshapen individual traditionally thought to guard underground hidden treasures: "A gnome looks like a little man and is often shown wearing a pointed hat."

The dwarf lived in a charming house in the village where he had a remarkable garden and had a statue of a garden gnome near the fountain.

Because the fountain was often dry, the dwarf joked that an elf must be coming at night and emptying the water out of the fountain.