You searched for: “dual
This entry is located in the following unit: duo-, du- (page 1)
dual, duel
dual (DOO uhl, DYOO uhl) (adjective)
Twofold, double: "An umbrella has a dual purpose which is to protect a person from the rain or to shade him or her from the sun."
duel (DOO uhl, DYOO uhl) (noun)
A combat between two people; to fight: "In the 19th century, pistols were often used in a duel to settle arguments."

Burton said he just saw a double sword fight, or a dual duel, yesterday in the gymnasium.

Word Entries containing the term: “dual
dual beam absorptiometry
A radiographic technique to measure tissue density by measuring the amount of absorbed radiation.

One use is to detect bone loss in the spine and hips.

This entry is located in the following unit: sorb-, sorpt- + (page 3)
dual photon absorptiometry
The use of two sources of radiation of different energies to measure the density of a material; especially, bone.

Bone densitometry is a method of determining the density of bone by use of radiographic techniques. The use of dual photon absorptiometry will provide density data of the axial skeleton with a precision of 97 percent to 98 percent. It is used in testing for the degree of osteoporosis.

This entry is located in the following unit: sorb-, sorpt- + (page 3)
voltage-current dual, voltage current dual
1. The replacement of elements of one circuit pair by their dual elements in another circuit, according to the duality principle.
2. A pair of circuits in which the elements of one circuit are replaced by their dual elements in the other circuit according to the duality principle; for example, currents are replaced by voltages, capacitances by resistances.
This entry is located in the following unit: volt + (page 6)