You searched for: “crows
Birds: Crows
Crafty crows rival primates in toolmaking.
This entry is located in the following unit: Animal Index (page 1)
corvine: crows
1. Of the nature of crows.
2. Of or pertaining to a raven or crow; akin to a crow, of the crow kind.

They are members of the Corvidae family that consist of crows, ravens, jays, and magpies.

This family contains about 100 species of small to large passerine birds found in a variety of habitats; their plumage is uniformly dark, or with bold colorations.

They are non-migratory, often aggressive, feed on a wide range of plant and animal materials, and they make nests of sticks in trees or on cliffs.

This entry is located in the following unit: -ine (page 5)
1. A murder of crows.
2. A hover of crows.
This entry is located in the following unit: Venereal Terms: Names of Groups (page 6)
A unit related to: “crows
(having a "bird brain" may be a good thing, after all)
(Greek: crowlike; used in the specialized sense of "pertaining to, or connected to the coracoid, the bony process that forms part of the scapular arch [and is so named because its shape resembles that of a crow's beak"])