You searched for: “convulsive
convulsive (adjective), more convulsive, most convulsive
A reference to convulsions.
This entry is located in the following unit: vuls-, vell- (page 1)
(Greek: tension, especially a convulsive tension; muscle spasm or tetanus, an infectious disease characterized by muscle spasms)
Word Entries containing the term: “convulsive
convulsive reflex (s) (noun), convulsive reflexes (pl)
Incoordinate contraction of muscles in a convulsive manner.
This entry is located in the following unit: vuls-, vell- (page 1)
convulsive seizure (s) (noun), convulsive seizures (pl)
A sudden onset of a disease, characterized by convulsions, palpitations, and other symptoms which is sometimes applied to an attack of an epileptic disorder.
This entry is located in the following unit: vuls-, vell- (page 1)
convulsive shock therapy, electroconvulsive shock therapy, ECT, electroshock therapy (s) (noun); convulsive shock therapies, electroconvulsive shock therapies, ECTs, electroshock therapies (pl)
A treatment in which convulsions are induced by passing a low-voltage alternating electric current through the brain.

The use of such a technique is used in psychology, or psychiatry, to treat severe psychiatric disorders.

convulsive tic, hemifacial spasm (s) (nouns); convulsive tics, hemifacial spasms (pl)
A disorder of the facial nerve, causing involuntary spasmodic contractions of the facial muscles supplied by that nerve.
This entry is located in the following unit: vuls-, vell- (page 2)