You searched for: “confusion
confusion (kuhn FYOO zhuhn) (s) (noun), confusions (pl)
1. A mental state characterized by a lack of clear and orderly thought and behavior: After her car accident, Jane suffered from confusion and didn’t know what actually happened.
2. The misunderstanding of a situation or the facts: In Jim's English class, there was a lot of confusion about the difference in meanings between the terms “facetious” and "fictitious” because many of the students had problems using these words correctly in their essays.
3. A failure to distinguish between people or things: Jane was in a state of confusion about her new relatives and had to write a list of who belonged to which side of the family.
4. A chaotic or disordered state: The children played together wonderfully in David's bedroom; however, when they left the room, it was in complete confusion with the table turned upside down, the bedspread was on the floor, the toys were scattered all over the place, and the books were not in the bookcase anymore!
5. Self-consciousness or embarrassment: Sara was in a state of confusion and very upset after realizing that she had greeted someone whom she thought was her sister-in-law.
This entry is located in the following units: fus-, fun-, fund-, fut-, found- (page 2) -sion, -sions (page 3)
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Units related to: “confusion
(Greek > Latin: confusion, disturbance, irritation, trouble, lack of calmness)
(Latin: uproar, commotion, disorderly, agitated, confusion; whirl, whirlwind)
(confusion exists about usage of "a" and "an" in front of other words)
(Greek > Latin: formless matter; especially from Greek, gulf, chasm, abyss, the rude unformed mass; and by extension, "confusion and disorder")
(Latin: magnes, "magnet"; because of confusion with magnetic iron ores; or magnesia nigri, meaning "black magnesia"; metal)
(A list of words with the same spellings that can cause confusion.)
(confusion that sometimes exists because of the spellings and similar sounds of words)
(an interval of confusion between wars)
Word Entries containing the term: “confusion
electronic confusion area
1. An area on a radar screen which a target appears to occupy according to a particular radar beam.
2. The amount of space in which a target appears to occupy in a radar resolution cell, as it appears to that radar beam.