You searched for: “conform
confirm, conform
confirm (kuhn FURM) (verb)
To establish something doubtful or uncertain as being true; to verify: The employer was finally able to confirm the rumor about the loss of jobs.
conform (kuhn FORM) (verb)
To behave in a conventional way; especially, in accepting customs, traditions, or prevailing opinions: When Horace and Tricia moved to a new country, they had to conform to new ways of doing things.

The teacher was sure that she must confirm the rules of the playground which expect the children to conform to the policy of not throwing baseballs when they are not in the park.

conform (verb), conforms; conformed; conforming
1. To comply with rules, standards, or laws: The changes were introduced by the governor to conform with the ordinances of the state.
2. To behave according to socially acceptable conventions or standards: When going to a foreign country like Morocco, it is a good idea to conform to the local custom of clothing and to wear something modest.
3. To be similar in form or type; to agree: The steps leading from the first floor to the third floor had to conform in height, so as not to cause accidents for the people living there.
4. Etymology: from Latin conformare, "to fashion, to form, to shape; to educate; to modify";
from com-, "together" + formare, "to form".
To act or to be in accord or agreement and to comply with the situation.
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This entry is located in the following units: com-, co-, cog-, col-, con-, cor- (page 4) form-, -form, forma-, format- (page 4)