You searched for: “catalonian months
Catalonian (Català) months
gener (January)
febrer (February)
març (March)
abril (April)
maig (May)
juny (June)
juliol (July)
agost (August)
setembre (September)
octubre (October)
novembre (November)
desembre (December)

—From a native Catalonian speaker.

Catalá is a Romance language which has evolved from medieval Provençal which has survived centralist campaigns either favoring Castilian or actively suppressing Catalá from the 15th to the 20th centuries.

Although the use of Catalá (Catalan) was prohibited under General Franco, it is again a flourishing language, spoken by between three and four million people around the eastern part of the Pyrenees range as well as around Barcelona.

—From The Pyrenees, revised and edited by Marc Dubin;
The Rough Guides; London; 1994.
This entry is located in the following unit: Calendar Names of Days and Months in Different Languages (page 2)