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cannon, canon, canyon
cannon (KAN uhn) (noun)
A large mounted gun that shoots heavy metal or stone balls and which was once a common military weapon: In past wars, a variety of cannon were used to cause great devastation.
canon (KAN uhn) (noun)
1. A Roman Catholic Church law: People are expected to know the canon of the Church.
2. An accepted rule or guide about how people should behave or about how something should be done: Anyone who disregards every canon of honesty, as this store manager has, should be fired.
canyon (KAN yuhn) (noun)
A narrow valley with steep sides, often with a river in the bottom: They rode the mules to the bottom of canyon to view the Colorado River.

It was against the canons for respectful behavior to fire a cannon over the canyon edge during the tourist season.

(French: degree of merit or importance; diameter of a bullet, cannon-ball, etc.; instrument for measuring the thickness, width, or distance through the center of a tube)
Word Entries at Get Words: “cannon
A large gun.

"The roar of the cannon announced that the parade had begun."

This entry is located in the following unit: caneh, can-, cann- + (page 1)
Word Entries at Get Words containing the term: “cannon
loose cannon (s) (noun), loose cannons (pl)
Someone who can't be controlled and who does or says things which cause problems, embarrassment, etc. for others: Darius is a politician who is regarded as a loose cannon by even his own party members.