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bipedal (verb), bipedals; bipedaled, bipedalled; bipedaling, bipedalling
1. Using two feet as a means of movement: The birds are bipedaling on the beach for food.
2. Capable of locomotion on two feet: When they are really in a big hurry, some iguanas and other lizards bipedal their way across land and even water.
3. Sometimes used humorously as a reference to a human: Unless something has caused a person to lose one or both feet, he or she bipedal themselves from here to there and where ever they can.
A centipede with a biped in pursuit.

A biped is bipedalling in pursuit of a polyped in hopes of having a snack.

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This entry is located in the following units: bi-, bin-, bino-, bis- (page 7) ped-, pedi-, -pedal, -ped, -pede, -pedia (page 1)