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Atropos (s) (noun) (no plural)
In Greek mythology, one of the three Fates who influenced human destiny. Atropos was known as the Inexorable, and carried the shears that cut the thread of life.
The fates spinning and determining the length of human lives.

The Greek goddesses of destiny. In Greek mythology, the three goddesses, Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos, often depicted as women of advanced years spinning, were believed to decree the events in and duration of someone’s life. The Greeks believed that Clotho spun the thread that represented a person’s life, Lachesis decided the extent (or length) of it, and Atropos was the one who cut it at the determined span of time.

Etymology: from Greek, "inflexible"; literally, "not to be turned away"; from a-, "not" + stem of trepein, "to turn" and related to trope. "a turning".

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