You searched for: “arsonist
arsonist (s) (noun), arsonists (pl)
Someone who commits an act or crime of willfully, wrongfully, and unjustifiably setting property on fire often for the purpose of committing fraud: The arsonist threw gasoline on a pile of old rags and tossed a lit match onto the pile, hoping to destroy the building so he could collect an insurance payment that would be worth more than the property.
An arsonist is setting his store on fire so he can get a big insurance payment.
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This entry is located in the following units: ars-, ard- (page 1) -ist (page 7)
Word Entries at Get Words: “arsonist
An animated or moving image showing someone who is committing a criminal act by setting his store on fire so he can collect insurance payments.
This entry is located in the following unit: animated or moving images (page 1)