You searched for: “argillophagy
argillophagy (s) (noun) (no pl)
The consumption of white clay: The case of argillophagy arises mostly among African American women whose parents, relative, or friends had eaten clay. Argillophagy occurred during childhood or later when the women were pregnant.


Clay, well-known as a skin treatment, may also be helpful when a person has had too much to drink. Ancient Greeks and Romans used it as a detoxifying substance, and many French drinkers swear by a glass of the creamy, grey argile verte the morning after.

Should anyone have long-term alcohol intake which produces more serious gastric problems, clay's anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties are also said to help stomach ulcers.

—Based on information from
"Myth or Medicine?" as seen in "élan",
a section in The European; December, 1993; page 7.