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This entry is located in the following units: ante-, ant- (page 5) -ior (page 1)
anterior (an TEER ee uhr) (adjective)
1. Situated in the front; such as, on the front or forward part of an organ.
2. Etymology: from Latin, literally, "former", anter, "front" or "before" + -ior, "pertaining to, referring to".

The stomach is located anterior to (in front of) the pancreas.

Anterior is also used with reference to the ventral surface of the body and it is the opposite of posterior.

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(Greek: forward, further, onward; anterior)
(Latin: horny, hornlike; horny [tissue] pertaining to the cornea, the horny transparent anterior portion of the external covering of the eyes)
(Latin: stomach, belly or a relationship to the abdomen or the front or anterior aspect of the body)
Word Entries containing the term: “anterior
abdominoanterior, abdomino-anterior (adjective) (not comparable)
Relating to the position of the fetus in utero: The abdominoanterior location of the baby is when its belly is facing the anterior abdominal wall of the mother.
This entry is located in the following unit: abdomin-, abdomino-, abdomen- (page 3)
anterior naris, external naris
Either of the two external openings of the nasal cavities.
This entry is located in the following unit: nar-, nari- (page 1)
anterior ramus
A primary division of a spinal nerve that supplies the lateral and ventral portions of the body wall, limbs, and perineum (the region of the abdomen surrounding the urogenital and anal openings).
This entry is located in the following unit: rami-, ram- (page 1)
anterior uveitis (s) (noun), anterior uveitides (pl)
Inflammation of the urea involving the structures of the iris and/or ciliary body, including iritis, cyclitis, and iridocyclitis: Jane's ophthalmologist told her to use steroid eye drops as the initial treatment of anterior uveitis.
This entry is located in the following unit: uveo-, uve- + (page 1)
camera anterior bulbi, anterior chamber of the eye, camera oculi major
The anterior portion of the anterior segment of the eyeball, situated between the cornea anteriorly and the lens and iris posteriorly.

It contains aqueous humor that drains through the iridocorneal angle at its periphery and communicates with the posterior chamber through the pupil.

This entry is located in the following unit: camer- + (page 1)
norma frontalis, norma facialis, norma anterior (s) (noun) (no plural)
The outline of the skull as seen from the front: By examining the X-ray, the medical technician was able to study the norma frontalis and explain the visible injury on the front of Bill's head to the his doctor.
This entry is located in the following units: front-, fronto- (page 3) norm-, normo- (page 1)
Word Entries at Get Words: “anterior
The front, as opposed to the posterior; for example, the breastbone is part of the anterior surface of the chest.
This entry is located in the following unit: Medical Orientation Words with Reference to the Body (page 1)
A reference to the front assembly of the body.
This entry is located in the following unit: Dog or Canine Terms + (page 1)