You searched for: “amends
amend (verb), amends; amended; amending
1. To free a person from faults; to correct, to reform, or to turn from wrong.
2. To reform oneself, abandon one's faults or evil ways.
3. In law, to correct an error that was committed in a legal process, or to rectify a legal document.
4. To repair or to make good what is broken or damaged.
5. Etymology: the change from e- to a- took place very early, being found in Old French and in Middle English.
This entry is located in the following unit: mend- (page 1)
amends (pl) (noun) (can be used with a singular or a plural verb)
Something done or given as compensation for a wrong or sometimes even a perceived wrong: "Mark asked his friend if there was any way he could make amends for ruining her rug when he spilled ink on it."
This entry is located in the following unit: mend- (page 1)