Birds are not a species; however, robins, bluejays, sparrows, etc. are.
Generally speaking, all members of a species look and behave similarly in all important respects and can breed among themselves.
Normally, breeding between members of different species does not occur in nature.
Groups of organisms, minerals, or other entities are recognized as being distinct species from each other.
According to some biologists, there are approximately 8,000 species of ants.
It has been estimated that between five and thirty million different species of organisms live on the Earth.
Such groups as the vertebrates (fishes, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and birds) and flowering plants have relatively fewer species, numbering only in the hundreds of thousands; while insects account for the greatest number of all of the species which exist.

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2. In ecology, a species of an animal or a plant which is not in immediate danger of becoming extinct, but that is the topic of protective regulations or conservation measures because of its limited population and distribution.
It is possible that the species odor is merely the less distinctive component of a larger mixture comprising the colony odor (the odor found on the bodies of social insects).