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1. The use of more words than are necessary to express an idea; a redundancy: Here are a few examples of pleonasms: "advance warning", "blood hemorrhage", "unmarried bachelor", and "free gift".
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A “gift" is always "free"; so the use of the term “free” is a pleonasm which is not needed to express the word “gift”!
2. The use of more words than are required to communicate, or superfluous expressions of words, when talking or writing: Whenever Jane answered a question for the professor in the mathematic's class, she used pleonasms instead of short to the point answers which made the other students think she was really trying to make everyone believe that she was a specialist in the subject.Go to this Word A Day Revisited Index
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pleio-, plei-, pleo-, pleon-, plio-
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Word Entries at Get Words:
The use of more words than are needed to express a response, an idea, or a thought. (3)
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Word a Day Revisited Index of Cartoons Illustrating the Meanings of Words
(page 61)